When you visit Footips.com, you share with us certain information. This document will help you understand precisely what information we collect, why we collect it, and what we do with it.
Our web server records the following information about all website visitors: IP address, operating system, browser used, time of visit and visited pages.
Footips.com relies on several subcontractors of technological services, such as DNS, caching, firewall, CDN, analytics. Any of these companies may record your IP address in relation to the proper functioning of the service in question.
Footips.com, as well as some of our subcontractors of technological services, use cookies. If you do not agree with this practice, please do not visit Footips.com or alternatively block cookies directly from your web browser.
Footips.com uses Google Analytics to track the number of visits, visited pages and sources of traffic. If you do not want your data to be used by Google Analytics, please go to https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout. The data collected by Google Analytics is kept for 14 months.
The data which we collect helps us to understand how visitors use the website. We need this in order to improve our services. By analyzing the collected data, we track which content is most interesting, and strive to offer more and better quality content. We also collect data in order to protect ourselves from hacker attacks, and from any attempts to steal our content.
We keep a one-month archive of the data that has been collected through our web server, and after this period has expired all logs are deleted automatically.
We initially record only a minimum amount of personal information – only such information as is required in order to provide better and more secure services to customers. Of all information which is considered personal according to GDPR, we keep only the IP addresses of visitors, and for a short period of time.
The personal information that we record (only IP addresses) is automatically deleted after 30 days. If you want us to delete your personal data earlier, please contact us through the contact form, and enclose your IP address.