Fortaleza Fortaleza
22:30 28.04.2024 Brazil A Series 1 - 1
RB Bragantino RB Bragantino

Prediction for Fortaleza - RB Bragantino

There have been over 2.5 goals scored in the last 3 matches between Fortaleza and RB Bragantino in the Brazil A Series.

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Betting Tips

At least one of the teams have failed to score in the last 3 home matches of Fortaleza against RB Bragantino. Bet on bet365, at least one of the teams will not score a goal with odds 1.800

Fortaleza have won 4 of their last 5 matches in the Brazil A Series. Bet on Fortaleza with odds 2.250

Both teams have scored in the last 3 matches of Fortaleza от the Brazil A Series. Bet on bet365, both teams will score at least one goal with odds 1.950

Odds for Fortaleza - RB Bragantino

Press to bet at bet365
Final result
1 2.250 X 3.200 2 3.300
Double Chance
1X 1.333 X2 1.615 12 1.364
Goals Under Over
2.5 1.667 2.150
1.950 1.800
Odds by bet365. Subject to change. Updated 04.05.24 23:50 UTC+1


R Team R D L Points Form
2 RB Bragantino 2 1 0 7 W W D L W
8 Fortaleza 1 1 0 4 D W W W W
R Team R D L Points Form
4 RB Bragantino 2 0 0 6 D W D D L
2 Fortaleza 1 0 0 3 D L L L L

Head to head matches

30.11.2023 RB Bragantino 1:2 Fortaleza
29.07.2023 Fortaleza 0:3 RB Bragantino
09.11.2022 Fortaleza 6:0 RB Bragantino
20.07.2022 RB Bragantino 2:1 Fortaleza
13.11.2021 RB Bragantino 3:0 Fortaleza
25.07.2021 Fortaleza 1:0 RB Bragantino
12.12.2020 RB Bragantino 2:1 Fortaleza
30.08.2020 Fortaleza 3:0 RB Bragantino

Previous matches - Fortaleza

17.04.2024 Fortaleza 1:1 Cruzeiro
14.04.2024 São Paulo 1:2 Fortaleza
07.12.2023 Santos 1:2 Fortaleza
03.12.2023 Fortaleza 1:0 Goiás
30.11.2023 RB Bragantino 1:2 Fortaleza
26.11.2023 Fortaleza 2:2 Palmeiras
23.11.2023 Fortaleza 2:2 Botafogo
18.11.2023 Fortaleza 0:1 Cruzeiro
12.11.2023 Cuiabá 2:1 Fortaleza
08.11.2023 Athletico Paranaense 1:1 Fortaleza

Previous matches - RB Bragantino

20.04.2024 RB Bragantino 1:0 Corinthians
18.04.2024 RB Bragantino 2:1 Vasco da Gama
14.04.2024 Fluminense 2:2 RB Bragantino
07.12.2023 Vasco da Gama 2:1 RB Bragantino
03.12.2023 RB Bragantino 1:0 Coritiba
30.11.2023 RB Bragantino 1:2 Fortaleza
26.11.2023 Internacional 1:0 RB Bragantino
24.11.2023 Flamengo 1:0 RB Bragantino
12.11.2023 RB Bragantino 2:2 Botafogo
08.11.2023 São Paulo 1:0 RB Bragantino